TBC Live is an interactive live sport platform. We are about elevating the game through real time predictions, predicting the moments as they happen, bantering with community and
When events are starting soon they will appear in the events list. Before an event starts, you can tap on a team to vote for your pick for the winner by tapping on their flag.

Once an event has started, it is Live and you can tap it to enter the prediction room.

When you open the event, you will see any active predictions for the event. Predictions open just before the event starts.

You can post your own predictions by hitting the ŷ (y-Hat) button

To make a prediction, write something that you think will happen soon (absolutely anything that has an outcome), give it a time frame and submit it.

Once its submitted people can vote on whether or not they agree with it.

The prediction creator can post the outcome when a prediction is over (or sooner if it is known). After this, another timer will start and voters have a chance to dispute the outcome or build consensus. If the outcome is undisputed, correct voters can claim points!
You can chat with other people in the Banter tab. Newly posted predictions will also appear here.

Game Centre
Predictions you have voted on appear in the game centre. You can claim points here if your vote was correct.

Predictions you have posted also appear in the game centre. Don't forget to give your predictions an outcome as soon as its known! If the time runs out and there is no clear outcome, you can also mark it as "No Outcome"

You can also view the leaderboard for who has the most points in the current event.

Profiles and Badges
To view a profile tap on the profile image.

If you view your own profile you will be able to edit it by selecting the Edit Profile button.

Wins and Correct % show all time correct prediction votes, and percentage of correct prediction votes.

Profile and participation areas show detailed stats of the user. More details are shown by tapping the area you want more details on.

Badges shows the badges earned by a given profile. When viewing your own profile, badges that you have earned will be gold, while those still to be achieved will be grey. You can tap on the badge to be given an explanation on how to earn it.

Once a prediction has an outcome, you can agree with it or dispute it in the Game Centre. This consensus mechanism is designed to give you all ability to govern the world of predictions. Here majority rules.

If a prediction has enough dispute votes, the outcome will be flagged as Disputed and voters can claim a point refund.
